Start Pitching Your Deals TODAY!
The paperwork.
The process.
Dealing with ALL the investors.
The reporting.
Now you can get the same amount of equity and deal with only ONE investor!
The definition of a GRIND. How are you going to make 7-8 figures CONSISTENTLY toiling for hours, even days and weeks, trying to raise millions from $50K to $100K investors? The Blackbook has names, phone #s and emails who can write the ONE check which is worth 100 investors. Quit wasting your time Syndicating!
If you are STILL relying on Facebook, LinkedIn etc., to find investors for your deals all I can say is GOOD LUCK. You post a deal on Facebook than 50 "wannabe real estate investors" type "interested, PM me"AND they haven't got 2 pennies to rub together!! Quit wasting your time here or begging family and friends. The KEY to closing 8 and 9 FIGURE DEALS is in this Black Book. Period.
Hi, my name is Mark McClure, Managing Partner ofGenX Capital Partners, author of Rogue Capital, and I close on average more than $100 MILLION a year in real estate deals as a developer, investor, financier, and originator equating to over $700 MILLION over the past 7 years. Along the way I have built up a database of Private Equity Real Estate Fund Investors AND Buyers from my own projects and that of clients, that are HUNGRY for deals of $10+MM to $100+ MM to invest in and/or acquire. PEOPLE THAT YOU NEED TO GET MEET….NOW! And it is all loaded up in The Black Book of Equity Investors and Buyers
If the deal makes sense, these folks won’t think twice about writing a $5MM to $50+MM check to invest in one of your deals or buy one of your projects. THIS IS A GAME CHANGER.
Listen, the key to making 7 and 8 figures in real estate income is by INVESTING and DEVELOPING deals of 8 figures and 9 figures, NOT “Fix and Flipping” or “Wholesaling”.Do you want to make a living or do you want to make a difference!!
I mean I get it, seriously I get it.
You have the ability, know-how and team in place to TAKE IT TO THE NEXT LEVEL and do 8+ figure deals but you JUST CAN’T FIND THE EQUITY!
So, what happens? You’re stuck in the mud grinding it out with millions of other “flippers” and “wholesalers” all fighting for the same piece of pie and simply living to fight another day.
Making $5,000 here, $15,000 there and it is an absolute grind throughout the entire process. Trying to find an investor with cash to assist you with the downpayment OR a buyer for your wholesale deal.
You can start hunting for $10+ million deals knowing that at your fingertips you have 1,400 potential investors as part of 300+ different companies that EAT, SLEEP AND BREATH multifamily real estate investing and acquisitions. But what’s even better, is that more than 50% of these contacts ALSO invest and buy hospitality, office, industrial, retail and land as well! NO MORE EXCUSES. You want to start doing BIGGER DEALS and enjoy BIGGER PAY DAYS, you now have access to potential partners that are MORE than willing to make that happen.
If you look at websites like Perenews, CoStar, Prequin, etc., you can expect to pay anywhere from $6,000 to $50,000 PER YEAR for this information. Yup. And I can’t argue with that because ONE DEAL PAYS FOR ITSELF. I have paid those prices above in the past and when I closed a deal from a lead from there, it paid for itself 20X over. One database I paid $900 A MONTH and in my 3rd month closed a deal that netted me a $135,000 commission. That information was worth EVERY penny, and NO WHERE as valuable as THIS Book
But guess what? You get that same information right here for only $397!!
Either you see the value or you don’t. Ready to start crushing 8 figure deals? The financing partners and buyers are now at your fingertips.
Good luck
Mark McClure
You could pay $6,000-$50,000 a YEAR for this type of information on highly expensive, online private equity databases or $397 TODAY for The Black Book. Your choice.
You want more?
1,000 deep pocketed, SEASONED real estate developers who could potentially be BUYERS OR INVESTORS for your project(s)!
Here are 1,000 LEGITIMATE contacts that can make the deal happen!
STOP peddling large deals on social media to people that can’t afford your deals. Its an exercise in futility
Here are 1,000 seasoned, sophisticated, deep pocket developers that at the drop of a hat can buy your deal if it makes sense. $10MM? $25MM? $100MM? They have the capacity to get it done!
Here is DIRECT ACCESS to the DECISION MAKERS of 200 Opportunity Funds here in the US.
Have an opportunity zone deal in need of funding?
Go into this Excel database, and find the name, email, phone number and SIZE of the fund and MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!
Since this is a database that can be downloaded and was cost intensive to formulate over the years, there are no refunds. HOWEVER, if any emails come back undeliverable (90+% deliverable), please email them back to info@genx-lending and we will resend replacements. No problem.
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